
7 Dec 2012

Everyday objects can fire our imagination

When you introduce your students to language of everyday objects, such as: newspapers, coat hangers, wire hangers, matchsticks, bricks etc., you can show them pictures of contemporary art which makes use of those day-to-day objects
  • You can have quite stimulating discussions on finding new meaning in everyday stuff. 
  • You can put students into groups, give each of the group one common daily thing (e.g. a pencil, a plastic cup, a toothbrush etc.) and ask them to create something out of it.
  • Or you can simply show your students pictures and stimulate their mind.
You can make a whole lesson out of it or just briefly expose your students to a richly-coloured world of everyday objects. Even a 2-minute slideshow would give your lesson a fresh touch.

And here is the artistic context for you:
David Mach is a Scottish artist who uses everyday objects and materials to construct extraordinary pieces.
He said of himself: “I’m a materials junkie, I just can’t get my hands on enough stuff to make things with.”

He uses:
1. newspapers (old magazines; look HERE)


2.  matchsticks (look HERE)
Gandhi 2008 by David Mach

3. christmas cards and playing cards (look HERE
Love 2012 by David Mach, made from xmas cards

4. coat hangers (look HERE)
cool sculptures made of wire coat hangers, David Mach, Scottish artist

5. bricks (look HERE) tyres (look HERE)

*If you are interested in it here is more on the subject of "recycled art" - HERE

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