
15 Jan 2014


Right before dying from a rare lifelong disease, Sam revealed his three secrets to happiness.

9 Jan 2014

365 Grateful

A great lesson based on a documentary about the extraordinary power of gratitude.

It has a lot of possibilites for students' project work

The whole lesson is here on Film English website: 365 Grateful

And here is the website of the documentary itself:

6 Jan 2014

No Lables

Stop labeling - Let people choose their own lables.

1. a video

a) oppositional deviant disorder -> leader
b) bipolar disorder -> artist
c) personality disorder -> activist, philospher
d) social anxiety disorder-> humanitarian
e) general anxiety disorder -> activist
e) attachement disorder -> healer
f) attention deficit disorder ->inventor
g) conduct disorder - revolutionary

pause at 1:04 and ask your students to guess what would be under "ADHD"

h) adhd ->KID

2. pictures
Kids share their dreams in these photos from Dear World

Ask students to make their own creative and positive lables about who they what to be or who they are.
They can write them on their hands and go around the classroom to show it arround.
